viernes, 28 de diciembre de 2018

The best Christmas of my life.

Hi, I’m going to write about the best Christmas that I has have. Was in 2016 in my home, that Christmas were 2 of 3 brothers that I have (all older than me) my mother, my father and the wife of my brother Jorge ( 31 years old). For Christmas we always play to secret friend and we must to say someone that I would like to get. My mom, my secret friend, want a beautiful dress, then I walk for various shops in the downtown, I want to buy the most beautiful dress that I could find: I walk for days searching that dress until I found it.

While I asked a loudspeaker to listen music while I work to workshop, then, when the day arrive, I give me present to my mother, and she love it, she really liked the dress, I was so happy; And my father, my other secret friend, give a Bazooka, a loudspeaker so pretty; I love it so much, I use it all the time, while I dishwashing, when I make models, when I doing exercise, etc. That bazooka die this year, it let of work, I was so sad for that, the bazooka has been my partner for a long time.

Then, this Christmas, I asked protections to practice taekwondo, after this Christmas, my mother give me another present, and that was another bazooka, I was so happy again, now I have another partner to work to workshop, I´m very grateful for that.

The end

Today is the day that we going to end this series of blogs, then now is time to evaluate this tool.

One of my favorites blogs that I do was about a friend, write that blog doing me remember to my best friend of my childhood, doing me have some emotions in the moments; now, the blog least favorite to me was the post about a job because have a job still an experience far away and so close to me, is an experience that I don´t like to remember in this moment of my university carrier.

A post that I enjoy reading was the blog about a sport of Nicolas Castillo because I tell us is experience his first experience in “Taekwondo”, and I consider so funny the moment that he say that is feel like a “Power Ranger”.

My principal improvement with this blogs was understand the times in English because, when I wrote this blogs, I wrote this like “I´m will going to”, mixing the present with future in the same oration.

Now I thing that this blogs is a useful tool for learning, however, this need constant correction to could be exploit it to the limit.

viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2018

The music that I love

I will talk about the music that I always listen to, in all the places that I go and while I work in “Taller”, it is metal. I listened to heavy metal for first time in secondary school, when I was 15 years, I begin with “Metallica´s “Master of Puppets” and “Ride the lightning”, out of habit I listen to Megadeth, the album “Rust in peace” was the album that made me like metal and Megadeth.

With time I searched for other metal bands like Iron Maiden, Slayer, Pantera, etc. But the moment that made me really love metal was when, in a Russian web site that has the biggest collection of music of this type I found the album “Mi nombre será leyenda” by “Tierra Santa” In 2013, in that moment I began to consider the metal´s bands that don´t sing in English.

I found bands that do it and before and a after in my life, Spanish bands like “Barón rojo”, “Angeles del infierno” and “Avalanch” were in my daily life. After I knew so much Latin-American bands like “Rata Blanca”, “Kraken”, “Husar” a Chilean band, and “Agora”. I feel that my knowledge of music has increased so much, but I also feel that I must to know other styles of metal and other languages.

I searched in the other side of the world, in the oriental world, specifically in Japan, I found bands that try to imitate the style of metal of USA like Loudness, a great band that many people that like the heavy metal must know. Others bands that, through the rock and metal, began to make the visual kei style, bands like “Buck-Tick”, “Luna Sea” and “X Japan”.

Actually, the metal style that I listen to most often is the Power metal and Heavy power metal, it is a style of metal so fast and it´s lyrics are about epic topics like wars, battles against mythic animals, stories of heroes, etc. The album that I most listen to is “Acero, Sangre y Fé” by “Saga Heroica”, that tells us the story of the Trojan war; through each song we can listen to these epic stories of Tragedy and heroism.  

viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2018


I will going to talk about an activity that I do to make me “fit”, and again I will going to talk about the taekwondo. The taekwondo is a Korean martial art that is traduced like Korean karate, this martial art actually is destined to the sport activity and the personal realization, so different to the past meaning, that this was practiced for the personal defense against without use weapons because this are unapproachable for the normal people for his prizes.

I doing Taekwondo three times minimum in the week, the maximum that I has done his five times in the week, two times in Fau and three times in my academy TaeSport in Nuñoa. I try to doing as often than possible to be better that the last day.

The style of Taekwondo that I doing is called WTF, the others styles are ITF and ATA; I select WTF for his insisted in the technique, sporty the WTF is a combat more restricted, the hit with fist in the head are punished, in ITF and WTF no; The ITF and WTF are focus in personal defense, and I don´t search that.

I enjoy the Taekwondo because is so funny, I don´t know what else I can write about why enjoy me. Do taekwondo make me happy, change my day completely when I am sad and make happier the days that was happy. I don´t doing taekwondo to make me “fit”, to want hit to a person or have reasons for feeling me stronger that the others peoples; Only doing taekwondo because I want, is the only reason that I need.

viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2018

A videogame designer

I never has had a work in my life, I don’t have a great curriculum that I could show; But I always has had in my mind a job, since I was a child, that I would like to do in my life; This is be a videogame designer. I always love the videogames, when I was a child I play every day in my polystation that my mother give me, while I played I thinking in, in a future, create my own videogame to play eternally.

In a start I think in only work tasting videogames, but after I think that the better form to enjoy and live the videogames was creating videogames, then I thought I how I can doing my purpose.
Obviously, with the past of the years, I begin to lost this wish of childhood; I begin to study most seriously and let the videogames like a hobby.

Lately, in the half of my university career, this job back to me, and back to me to stay in mi brain for a good time. This wish back after to played a great number of indie games in this year, games like “Hollow knight” a “Ori and the blind forest”, this games have an art so beauty that turn on the flame that I have for the videogames.

To be a videogame designer I must to be so persistent, doing the things one and other time, do sacrifice so important for me, well, is like study architecture.

Resultado de imagen para ori and the blind forest

viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2018

My lost friend

Well, I will going to talk about a friend of my childhood, is name is Percy like the movie “Percy Jackson” but he was Percy Williams. I know him in my secondary education, specifically in 1st of secondary when we have 14 years; we know us in a homework in group that we must to do for the school, when we are working in the homework he work my PC y see the videogames that I have, then he started to talk to me about the videogames that liken him; I was so happy of known someone that have the same pleasure in videogames like me, since then we always meet to play videogames, our favorite videogame was Street Fighter X Tekken.

In the 3th of secondary he changed of school because the demands of it so high. Then we online meet someone weekend to play videogames, that moments was sacred for us. After the school he take English lessons to will going to a music university in USA, and too work for one year to pay the ticket.

In the second year of out of the school he sells is legendary PC, a PC that he build for many years, buying is parts with the few money that I get. That PC was so powerful that run all the games in the world in his maximum settings. That PC that have so many memories he must to sell to have the money to support himself the first months in USA.

Our friendship was of six years, since we know us until he take the airplane to go to United States, we lost the communication periodically, I don’t remember the last time that we communicate.

viernes, 26 de octubre de 2018

Ayami Kojima

Choose a favorite artist is so hard to me, considering all the types of arts that i have to choose. However I had a draftswoman that I love since I was a child, her is Ayami Kojima; Of Japanese origin, I know him because is artworks are part of different videogames that she works, but was one in particular that doing me love this artist: Castlevania Symphony of the night.

 Resultado de imagen para ayami kojima alucard        Resultado de imagen para ayami kojima alucard

The art of this game is amazing, only others works doing by Ayami Kojima for videogames can be comparable; His draws handmade are simply beauty, they are made generally with acrylics, Indian ink, oleo and the slipping with his fingers. His works are so detailed and careful, I can´t believe that someone could draw how she doing.

However, the fame of this artist is so low, when I talk with friends that know about this topic nothing know her, when I search in internet information of her I can´t found nothing that I don’t knew;  This situation I so sad to me, I hope that this change in the time.

I invite to you to see is work and doing a comment of that in this post, I would be so grateful.

Resultado de imagen para ayami kojima

viernes, 19 de octubre de 2018

Centro de innovación

The “Centro de innovación” of “Universidad Católica” is in campus San Joaquín, near of San joaquín station, the first time that I see them was when I go to this campus to meet with friends of the UC, when I out of the Metro´s station I see this building. I was so shocked, I can´t believe that, how someone like that could exist? Is form was perfect, is constructive quality is so perfect, the cube create an incredible visual experience; See them is like out of this world and enter to the world of the dreams. I talk about that with my friends, but they don´t believe that this construction was so amazing, only a waste of money.

To me is so hard say what type of architecture correspond this building. I would that the architectural style of them is the postmodern architecture because is fundaments about is form and how this work interiorly are part of a liberal thinking that want to change the paradigm of how habit the buildings really.

From this moment I begin to value the architecture so much that before, I begin to value the price of the moment in the architecture and the feelings that any can have about this art.

viernes, 12 de octubre de 2018


I have 6-month doing taekwondo but my “sports fighting” skills still yet so insufficient, I don´t thing learn to fight immediately, I must to practice so much for that; I want to strengthen my fighting skills. This is a personal challenge that I want to do for two reasons, first I want to complete my profile of taekwondo fighting when my fortress is the poomsae, and second is that the sport fighting is so funny to do, I love to see fights of taekwondo in my social networks and share that with my taekwondo partners.
For success this challenge I have class of taekwondo y two different places, in my academy TaeSport and in taekwondo FAU, I practice in TaeSport the Tuesday and Saturday, and in FAU the Tuesday and Fridays. At the same time I am doing sport´s CFG in FAU, physical conditioning and aerobic gymnastics.

I want to write that the sports fighting skills aren´t knowledge to fight really, they are adapted for friendly kombat always trying to avoid the damage and the lesions of the competitors, for that the protection are obligatory in any meet of fighting. Taekwondo is a martial art, not a sport to doing damage to the people.

My principal difficulty is my body, that is so small, that doing me lost the stability with any hit of a person greater, But that isn’t an impediment to success my challenge, I must to be more strength to fight and use my small body in my favor.

I want to do with this skills is going to fighting meetings as a competitor and no as a spectator and feel the adrenaline of the fight, I so emotional think in that moment that doing think in out right now of this computer to trot in the park and practice taekwondo.

Resultado de imagen para peleas taekwondo

viernes, 5 de octubre de 2018



I have many things that I love to doing, the architecture design, play video games, draw any things, doing exercises, etc. However, someone that I love to do is practice Taekwondo.

In May, I had my first class of Taekwondo that was in an academy called TaeSport in Ñuñoa, in that moment I feel the passion of the Taekwondo. Now I has had six month of practice Taekwondo and I still have the white belt, but I think to follow I this deport for a long time. I have comrade in this passion that share the same passion with me.

I love this deport because is so funny to doing and the philosophy in this. The dobok is the wear that we must to use; Do means “the way of the live” and represent the sky, and bok means “training´s clothes” and represent the earth; The belt is the union of this worlds. The grades in taekwondo are 20, this begins in the white belt, this belt represent a seed, the grade number 10 correspond to the black belt that represent the purity, after this, the black belt must to follow another way, beginning in the 1st dan to the 9th dan, after this follow the 10th dan, this have the importance of be the posthumous, representing  the end of the way.

viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2018

Fiestas Pátrias in Chile

The national day, the week of 18 of September, we have our nationals parties where we are free of jobs to celebrate. However, I don´t celebrate this date; My family loves to travel on this date to Viña del Mar, we going there that week. I was only in a room because I don´t want to celebrate, why?

 I think that a real patriotic person thinks that 18 of September is a great day to out to work happier or a day to things what happened with our country in the last year. I refuse to celebrate a day so important, go to "Fondas" and buy meat at excessive prices is like sells our country; Drink alcohol all the night thinking in nothing else is a deception to the dream that was created 200 years ago.

We have been forgotten the mean about what happened and what is the value that we sell all the 18 of September.

This week was think about this.

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