viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2018


I will going to talk about an activity that I do to make me “fit”, and again I will going to talk about the taekwondo. The taekwondo is a Korean martial art that is traduced like Korean karate, this martial art actually is destined to the sport activity and the personal realization, so different to the past meaning, that this was practiced for the personal defense against without use weapons because this are unapproachable for the normal people for his prizes.

I doing Taekwondo three times minimum in the week, the maximum that I has done his five times in the week, two times in Fau and three times in my academy TaeSport in Nuñoa. I try to doing as often than possible to be better that the last day.

The style of Taekwondo that I doing is called WTF, the others styles are ITF and ATA; I select WTF for his insisted in the technique, sporty the WTF is a combat more restricted, the hit with fist in the head are punished, in ITF and WTF no; The ITF and WTF are focus in personal defense, and I don´t search that.

I enjoy the Taekwondo because is so funny, I don´t know what else I can write about why enjoy me. Do taekwondo make me happy, change my day completely when I am sad and make happier the days that was happy. I don´t doing taekwondo to make me “fit”, to want hit to a person or have reasons for feeling me stronger that the others peoples; Only doing taekwondo because I want, is the only reason that I need.

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