viernes, 12 de octubre de 2018


I have 6-month doing taekwondo but my “sports fighting” skills still yet so insufficient, I don´t thing learn to fight immediately, I must to practice so much for that; I want to strengthen my fighting skills. This is a personal challenge that I want to do for two reasons, first I want to complete my profile of taekwondo fighting when my fortress is the poomsae, and second is that the sport fighting is so funny to do, I love to see fights of taekwondo in my social networks and share that with my taekwondo partners.
For success this challenge I have class of taekwondo y two different places, in my academy TaeSport and in taekwondo FAU, I practice in TaeSport the Tuesday and Saturday, and in FAU the Tuesday and Fridays. At the same time I am doing sport´s CFG in FAU, physical conditioning and aerobic gymnastics.

I want to write that the sports fighting skills aren´t knowledge to fight really, they are adapted for friendly kombat always trying to avoid the damage and the lesions of the competitors, for that the protection are obligatory in any meet of fighting. Taekwondo is a martial art, not a sport to doing damage to the people.

My principal difficulty is my body, that is so small, that doing me lost the stability with any hit of a person greater, But that isn’t an impediment to success my challenge, I must to be more strength to fight and use my small body in my favor.

I want to do with this skills is going to fighting meetings as a competitor and no as a spectator and feel the adrenaline of the fight, I so emotional think in that moment that doing think in out right now of this computer to trot in the park and practice taekwondo.

Resultado de imagen para peleas taekwondo

3 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. I know you will get your black belt soon

  3. Don't worry about being small. Bruce Lee was no giant and he became the best:)
