viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2018

Fiestas Pátrias in Chile

The national day, the week of 18 of September, we have our nationals parties where we are free of jobs to celebrate. However, I don´t celebrate this date; My family loves to travel on this date to Viña del Mar, we going there that week. I was only in a room because I don´t want to celebrate, why?

 I think that a real patriotic person thinks that 18 of September is a great day to out to work happier or a day to things what happened with our country in the last year. I refuse to celebrate a day so important, go to "Fondas" and buy meat at excessive prices is like sells our country; Drink alcohol all the night thinking in nothing else is a deception to the dream that was created 200 years ago.

We have been forgotten the mean about what happened and what is the value that we sell all the 18 of September.

This week was think about this.

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